Sheisha stayed where she was for almost an hour more until William's voice was no longer heard.

But suddenly Sheisha felt shocked and worried when she heard something falling on the floor. Like the sound of someone falling to the floor.

"Azam??! what happened to Azam?!! Oh God! what if Azam injures himself again??" Sheisha asked immediately getting up from her seat, about to get rid of the things that closed the bedroom door. But then Sheisha stopped her movements feeling hesitant to get rid of the couch that was in front of the bedroom door.

"But what if Azam just pretends for me to open the door for him? I can't risk my life and my baby just because of this. I have to wait for Azam to speak again," said Sheisha, sitting back on the sofa while screaming for Azam.

"Azam!! Azam!! You hear my voice?!" asked Sheisha in a very loud voice. 

Sheisha's brow furrowed as she didn't hear William answer.