"You must remember, you have a baby in your womb, don't let your baby feel the sadness you are experiencing," William said he didn't want his baby to feel sad because of Sheisha's sadness.

"Alright Zam, I'm not going to talk about William anymore. Can we sleep now? I'm getting sleepy." Sheisha said feeling very tired thinking about her love for William.

"Go to sleep, I'll take care of you until tomorrow morning. Hopefully, we can go home soon. Right now Harry must be really worried about you." said William will not sleep until tomorrow morning and make sure Sheisha will be fine.

"I was also thinking about that, Harry must be worried about me right now and can't sleep or he could be out around looking for me. But what else should I do? I can't reach him. I can only apologize to him tomorrow. And hopefully, Harry doesn't do anything because at this time he is also in a state of illness." said Sheisha not going to sleep when William discussed Harry.