"Hurry up, tell Jenni to come here, Aunt Atun," William said while holding his breath.

"Okay, Mr. William." Aunt Atun said, nodding her head.

"Aunt Atun." William called before Aunt Atun left the room.

"Isn't Sheisha looking for me? or ask Auntie about me?" asked William hoping Sheisha would look for him even if only through Aunt Atun.

For a moment Aunt Atun was silent then shook her head.

"No, Mr. William. I see, Miss Sheisha hasn't left Mr. Harry's room at all." Aunt Atun said honestly.

"Really? Harry still hasn't left Harry's room is that true Aunt Atun?" William asked once again to confirm Aunt Atun's words.

"That's right Mr. William. Can I just call Miss Sheisha to come here?" Aunt Atun asked, unable to bear to see William looking sad.