"Sheisha also said earlier, do you think I suit this style of appearance?" William asked with a full look.

"Very suitable!! Your current appearance with your face makes you younger. You look very handsome even though there are scars on your face. It doesn't matter, stick with these styles of clothing. If necessary, you have to buy a lot. Invite Sheisha to go to town to buy clothes in this style." Jenni said with a seductive look.

"I can't believe you said it. You could just please me." William said while rubbing the nape of his neck feeling happy with Jenni's praise as well as Sheisha's praise.

Not to mention that Jenni replied to William's words. Jenni saw Sheisha coming out of the kitchen carrying two boxes of food.

"We will continue our conversation later. Sheisha has come." Jenni said turning her face with a serious face when Sheisha walked up to her.