Sheisha was silent not saying anything but just swallowing her saliva feeling embarrassed in front of Harry and William.

"You don't have to ask Sheisha for sure she will be ashamed to admit it. But you can ask Omar or someone else. They know how at that time Sheisha was worried about you." William said telling the truth and he had nothing to hide from Harry.

"What are you two talking about? Why are you guys talking about my feelings? now you better hurry up and eat Harry. And you Azam, hurry up and rest in your room. Why don't you rest yet." said Sheisha immediately getting up from her seat and gently pushing Azam's back to get out of Harry's room.

"I can't believe you said all that to Harry, Azam. Don't you know that I'm very embarrassed?" Sheisha said with a red face to Azam while outside the door.

William only smiled and then gently stroked Sheisha's blushing face.