liver transplant surgery

After hugging each other for a long time, Azam let go of his hug and then cupped Sheisha's face, which looked very sad.

"I have to go now Shei, poor Jenni waited outside for so long." said Azam with a deep look, unable to bear to leave Sheisha.

"You better get back to Harry, I can't leave you here alone." said Azam steeled his heart to let Sheisha go.

Sheisha nodded her head forced to leave her place to quickly return to Harry's room. But when she arrived at the door, Sheisha turned back to Azam's place and cupped Azam's face then kissed Azam's lips tenderly.

Azam closed his eyes feeling the softness of Sheisha's lips and the pounding of his heart that he felt was beating very hard.

unable to resist Sheisha's kiss, Azam replied with deeper and more intense kisses as if he wanted to merge with Sheisha's lips.

after spending quite a long time kissing very intensely and getting deeper Azam broke off the kiss with a smile and a very happy heart.