seek the truth

"So far, Safira has never told me that she is Uncle Renggo's daughter. I think Safira is Nyi Etin's niece." Jenni said still in disbelief.

"Maybe the people in the next village don't really know about their past. Because Nyi etin and Renggo when they were young often lived in this village." said the old man giving an explanation to Jenni.

"So where should I look for Ferdi, sir? At Uncle Renggo's house or Nyi Etin's house?" Jenni asked hoping the old man would know where Ferdi lived.

"We don't know, son, where Ferdi lives now. The last time I saw him, he was still living with Renggo, before the announcement was made that they would get married this year. But after that there was no further news. You should ask Safira whether she will get married this year or not. no. And just ask where Ferdi lives, maybe he lives with Safira." The old man said giving Jenni a way out.