
"Why Aunt Etin? is there a problem?" Jenni asked with a look full of curiosity what Aunt Etin's answer to her question was.

"It seems Auntie can't go back to town for a while Non. Because Aunt already has work with Renggo to finish harvesting the tea garden which takes approximately three more weeks." Aunt Etin said with a complicated look.

"Yes, Bi, if you really can't go to town, let Aunt Atun take care of William there." Jenny said calmly.

"I can't Uncle Jenni!!" said Aunt Etin raising her face with a slightly tense face.

"Why Aunt Etin?? Why can't it??! Isn't Aunt Atun also Aunt Etin's sister?" Jenni asked with a frown.

"It's not Atun's problem, Auntie's brother, but Atun doesn't have the ability at all like I have. It's a shame for Mr. William to be looked after by Atun." Aunt Etin said with a very serious face.

"Then what is Aunt Etin's suggestion? Maybe I can consider it." Jenni said with a full look.