Let the race begin!

".....Why here?" Albert asked.

"Hmmm? what do you mean?" I responded.

"Why bring me here?" he asked again.

".....To watch the race off course!" I said, I didn't like his tone, I could be working the sheep to death in my study, forcing him to translate all he can to the common tongue, the journal isn't enough, I want to know his tongue perfectly! In case we meet another from his country I want to understand them, talk to them..... let them know my intentions! If they are slain, I want them to hear my words perfectly as I do so.... also, I really don't feel like working now so I'd rather enjoy the race.

"I do not.... understand..."

".....It's for entertainment!".

"Yes.... but why am here?"

"Maxie..... he's also participating in it,"


"Yes! He is, look at him down there!" I said pointing towards the steps of a former temple of Sol.... we've long destroyed the artifacts inside, they may not be of any value, still on the off chance that a Sol mage might spy on us.... I didn't want to take that risk.

"Yes! There he is, ah.... Blue stripes on green print... what was he thinking? Anyways we'll be able to see him and the others from up here!" I said, we're currently on the Balcony of the castle of the Lord of this city.... It's the only place high enough to observe everything.

Elder Michala and Peters is here with us, They insisted on viewing the spetacle, I'd rather have Peters helping out with the city Fortification and Have Elder Michala rest..... but Peters stepped up during my Coma, he took care of the immigration process for those living in the cave systems into Bluehaven as well as gathering metal for us to make tools... he deserves his rest. Elder Michala..... she insists on watching this with us.... it's broad daylight.... but she skipped her nap time for this.

"Elder, we could-"



"No! I want to watch this! we haven't had much in terms of sport due to the humans.... I want to see this first race with my own two eyes!" Yes.... she was correct, we haven't had room for creativity for sports due to leaving in the shadows... away from those vile humans.... but this new sport, it's a breath of fresh air, I understand why she wants to participate.... still her age.


"Barker.... let the old lay have her fun...." Amari said, "You're late! We couldn't start the competition without you! where were you?" Elder Amari asked her.

"...I'll explain later, for now let us begin!" Amari said..... I stared at her nervously, she was wearing the same attire as me, A bright yellow blouse with Black dyed sleeves, Blue Satin Trousers and blue fur boots! That's too specific to be a coincidence! As if reading my thoughts she gives me a wink, she's been copying my wardrobe but how?

"Yes let's get started! Peters!" Elder Michala cried.

"Yes Ma'am!"


Peters blew a sheep horn to announce the start of the competition, Amari gave a brief speech and the Participants all gathered at the front of the temple.

There we 9 in total: Maxie, Dancer, the guy with red hair and blueish green eyes,he's the fan favourite, the twins Gar and Kar, They both had brown hair and soft blue eyes, Miller, he was bigger than Maxie and taller too! The brooding baldy with dark brown eyes towered over everyone! There was Gail, she was the smallest of the bunch, Rough lemony hair and cold Grey eyes, her cousin Flin joined her, he had the same eyes but with black hair instead.

There was Booker, she was huge! Well not as huge as Amari but still! She had dark skin and green eyes..... she was also my cousin but we didn't get along.... at all! She wonders what Amari sees in me, Hmph! Not that I care! next to her was Clint, he had blonde hair and curt blue eyes, A handsome fella and too pretty for a man! Prettier than most girls even! Although others compare our looks, I don't see it! At all! I'd like to think I look more gruff.... at least when my Facial hair comes in I'll look like the big burly bastard I was destined to be!

Finally there was Iva.... Amari's little sister, she was the second fastest amongst us, the girl was always.... abit of her loner, she has her sister fierce looks but lacks her height, her build, her intellect, her strength and her leadership skills, well she does have Amari's tremendous will and she's also fast as hell! under the right guidance...



"Does Iva have a mentor yet?"

"...No, the girl hasn't chosen one yet,"

"Do you mind bringing her under me?"

"Only if you also accept the twins and your Cousin too,"

".....I can accept the twins but Booker-"

"will be invaluable as a subordinate, she's not as clever as you, yes, however I'm certain you can work with her..... say as a tracker? or sniffer?"

"Jacobs can help her with that!"

".....she asked for you specific,"


"She asked for you.... I sense there is something more but.... please add her to your team.... I do not ask much of you do I? even as your Alpha I don't,"

".....very well, but she must obey my orders absolutely!"

"....She will,"

The Contestants warged and began the race!

The crowd roared, I could feel their spirits lift up, We hadn't an event like this since.... Mother, I shake my head and concentrate back on the race. The goal was to touch all the gates of the city, thanks to the Shadow stalkers and mages, we could keep track of the racers via small orbs of pale light courtesy of Mani's eye, they were spread round the city.

Clint took the lead first, he launched himself off Booker and flew over the Dancer and Iva, who were trying to stay ahead of the other, he landed on the streetcart right in front of him and dashed off without missing a beat, he turned around briefly to give the others a wink, Dancer smiled and Iva seethe at this.

"I've never seen you make that face before," I whispered to Amari.

".....she gets her temperament from mother," She muttered.

Maxie, the poor bastard, he was running directly between the twins, the evil duo made sure to subtly attack him during each turn, a scratch here, a jab there, any counter he tried was swiftly dealt with, he attacked one the other thwarted it before it hit.

"Cheating?" Asked Albert.

"Biter rules...." I replied.

"Not Cheating?"


"Good! hurt him! Punish him more!"

The crowd roared!

Miller lumbered behind, he was in last place, the big fella was too slow.... well slow compared to the others, I've seen him outrun and tackle an elk, so speed isn't his lacking, but he's at a major disadvantage here, he's barely able to Flin, each time he got close enough to touch his back, the latter would kick sand into his eye and zoom past, his Cousin Gail jumped from window to wonder, I guess she didn't wanna bother with the obstacles at the bottom, whatever her strategy was, it seems to be working because she was close to Iva and Dancer.

Clint Touched the south gate and the Crowd roared!

Everyone pushed past their limits after hearing the roar, they ran like they were possessed by Fenris himself! Maxie knocked the twins away, Dancer left Iva behind, Iva panicked and transformed into her full wolf form..... though not against the rules....

"That girl is a disgrace!" Amari spat, "If you're gonna lose at least do it with dignity!"

"Calm down.... she's not breaking any rules,"

"No....but she has admitted her weakness! Had she continued on as she was.... even if she lost, people would at least applaud her tenacity.... this.... this!" I've never seen her this angry before.... it's not agood look, I understand, still... I hold her hand to calm her, she squeezes mine.... a little too tight! But.....she's calming down at least.

The other Contestants are first.... bewildered by Iva's transformation.... but eventually they transformed too!

"See! she spreads it!"

"My Alpha," Elder Michala said, "It is not against any rules per say.... "

"I'm aware, still-"

"Let us just enjoy the race.... you can berate your sister all you want at your own time..."

"....very well..."

Maxie was gaining now, he was neck in neck with Booker, the two jostled for position but eventually Maxie won out! He was neck in neck with Iva now.

Dancer had overtaken Clint and touched the Westgate!

The crowd roared!

Maxie and Iva flew into a panick! The two ran desperately for the gate! They reached it just in time for....

Gail tripped and fell from a window landing on top of Maxie and breaking his good leg.

The crowd fell silent.