The Legend of the Isle of the Immortals

Hui Jian Yu and Zhang Mei Ling walked forward through the inflexible portal obscured among the trees. They were presently met by an alarming world. The air stung their eyes and skin and they coughed as each whiff charred their lungs. Uncertainty surrounded them and it was not the thrilling suspense of exploration, but a dreadful fear.

It was because of this awful landscape there they felt slightly panicked as the danger was hidden everywhere. This place was indubitably ominous, but with so much to discover Hui Jian Yu couldn't help but explore.

Far behind them, they heard growls and grunts of beings they could've only dreamed of. Despite barely giving them any attention, they realized it was best not to get too close. They managed to spot hairy creatures, flying creatures, and what they could think might be sliding animals of some sort.