Seeking happiness within the falling snow(2/5)

Jiang Baozhai was quite surprised by Zhang Yi Chen's attitude. He was not cold or a prodigy he was very mannered and cordial. Zhang Mei Ling, Zhang Luoyang, and  Zhang Zhao Yong sat near the dinner table.

The three got up and greeted the consort prince.

''We meet again, prince Yi Chen''. Zhang Zhao Yong said. His face shone brightly in the candlelight.

Hui Jian Yu nodded his head and then looked at the young, handsome boy standing next to Zhang Zhao Yong. Prince Zhang Luoyang found his brother-in-law staring at him so he stepped forward and introduced himself.

''I am...!'' Before he could complete his sentence, Hui Jian Yu spoke. ''Prince Zhang Luoyang''. Hui Jian Yu had recognized him through his hair and eyes.

''Lu Xiao Xan! You darn idiot. I miss you''. Hui Jian Yu thought as he looked at Zhang Luoyang.

Zhang Luoyang stepped forward and hugged Hui Jian Yu. ''Brother!'' He whispered.

''Huh?'' Hui Jian Yu was confused.