Separated By The Sea (2/2)

''Lee Rang''.

Yuri was surprised and shocked to see Lee Rang again. She didn't expect to meet him like this. Though she was shocked but somewhere inside her heart, different feelings started developing. Lee Rang was starring at her beautiful face, admiring her gorgeous, eye-catching features.

Lee Rang and Yuri stood there silent for a while but Rang braked the silence saying,'' You have become even more lighter''.

Yuri noticed that Rang was still holding her through her tiny waist. She took two steps backwards and tripped again. This time Rang held her in his arms.

They both stared at each other, Yuri was scared while there was a soft yet loving expression on Rang's face. He could hear her heart beating fast.

Waiter's passing by stared at them in this pose so they let go of each other.

Yuri was about to leave as she felt that Rang would do something bad again.

Rang cleared his throat and said,'' Listen to me''.