7. Do you perhaps plan on asking me out for the 532nd time?"

​​Luz gulped as his master slowly opened the squeaking door, and the strong smell of tobacco and alcohol hit them right into their face.

The chamber was constructed of dark timber, while the walls, on the other hand, were decorated with tapestries depicting various runes that lit up from time to time.

As the two entered, they heard hushes coming from tables where groups of adults either played or gambled their money on cards while drinking and smoking to their hearts' content.

The smell and smoke filling up the reception were so irritating to Luz that his eyes turned bloody red while coughing a couple of times without any break, gaining everyone's attention inside.

Hushes followed, and the people began asking each other: "Who the hell is that brat?"

Awkwardly, Master Brian coughed loudly to shift their attention to him.

A man, who had been observing the spectacle with boredom from the reception desk, yawning every few seconds as he waited for his shift to end, immediately jumped to his feet. "I'm sorry, Master Brian. Please follow me. I'll bring you right to the head sear of the building."

Master Brian nodded, and the group moved a few floors up. They stopped in front of a giant door embedded in runes that glowed every few seconds as if it was a living and breathing creature.

Unlike sane people, Luz's Master chose a bombastic entrance and kicked open the door while shouting loudly: "Ayo, long time no see. It's time for you to stop your meditation and help me, your beloved friend, you rich bastard."

A thick wave of smoke immediately escaped from the chambers, throwing both the receptionist and Luz onto the ground and making them cough.

But before Luz could fly further, he felt a strong grip around the collar of his leather armor, and Master Brian dragged him inside the chamber with laughter.

Inside sat a woman quietly, enveloped in thick white smoke, and with every breath she took, runes on the ground began to light up.

Master Brian walked happily inside before sitting crosslegged ten meters away from the smoke enveloped person, hushing to Luz: "Sit crosslegged and make no sound."

Gulping, Luz followed suit, and he soon saw someone glaring at him with blazing blue-red eyes, sending shivers down his back. 'I don't know what that creature is, but it scares me.'

After another minute passed, a slender, half-naked, humanoid female emerged out of the smoke with a golden smoking pipe in her right hand. To this day, Luz has never seen such a person, and it scared him. Not only did it have another set of eyes on her cheeks, but her hair was changing color every second, adapting to the surrounding. But that wasn't all. Two visible horns, one glowing red and the other blue, were growing out of her foreheads, while two sets of wings were growing out of her back.

Even though she looked otherworldly, it took Luz quite a lot not to succumb to his desires, as the charm she radiated was something else, awakening every male's lust.

'My dad always told me: never stick your d*ck in crazy. Sorry, dad, but how am I supposed to resist such an otherworldy temptation?' shot through Luz's head before he immediately shook his head.

The girl stared in amusement at Luz while taking another puff of her water pipe. As she did it, runes began glowing on her smoking pipe. Nevertheless, she continued smoking for another few minutes before breaking the long-lasting silence with a loud sigh.

A smile formed on her face, revealing a white set of shark teeth before she commented in an amusing and charming voice that would make every man's knee weak: "I expected your arrival, Brian. To be precise, I expected your visit three months ago. Nevertheless, what is your reason for annoying me? Do you perhaps plan on asking me out for the 532nd time, or is it perhaps due to the brat sitting next to you?"

Chuckling, Master Brian answered: "You know the answer. Also, maybe I will be lucky at my 612th try, Miss Gura," before his casual face immediately turned serious. He slowly placed his hand on Luz's shoulder before stating: "As you see, I have a new servant, a new pokemon to be precise, who is concerned about his siblings. Hopefully, seeing his fate reassures him."

Author note: I was too lazy to think of any other name, so Gawr Gura, it is, even though the two have nothing in common. But well, vtuber are now cannon.

The girl nodded and puffed another cloud before hitting some of the runes on the ground with her pipe. "Young lad, who was having perverted thoughts about me a few minutes ago, tell me, what is your name?"

Luz's face immediately grew red, and he stuttered while everyone could hear Brian's suppressed laughter: "L-Luz, is my name."

"Luz… Please close your eyes, relax. Also, don't try anything stupid while I show you what you can expect in the future." Gura hummed before she too closed her eyes and moved her body slowly in a trance while muttering in an alien language that made Luz sweat.

But the situation got weirder. Luz began hearing two different voices coming from the girl as events unfolded in his imagination.

"For the survivors of the Tron village, only suffering awaits them in their future," were the first words the second voice uttered.

A few pictures shot through Luz's head, and the thing he saw made his hair stand up.

A child, resembling his youngest brother Az, stood there, starved till only his bones remained while getting followed by two skeletons. One of them was an enormous being, reaching four meters, while the other skeleton casually rested a spear on his shoulder, shifting its gaze towards Luz while saying: "Get the fuck out of here."

Luz's vision immediately changed, and he saw two of his other siblings a second later. Michael and Gab marched through the desert chained to each other as someone whipped them whenever they were too slow. This vision was followed by an image of Gab munching on a human corpse while Michale rested somewhere else on an altar as a group of strangers began sacrificing him to resurrect a god.

The vision changed again, and his last brother slowly reappeared.

As for Raph, the boy was sitting on a chair in despair. Upon looking closer, Luz noticed that there was something strange. Raph neither had fingers nor toes and only one foot.

Luz didn't know what his emotion was supposed to be. Should he be happy that his siblings survived? But how can one feel reassured if this is how they will end up?

"Interesting fate, I would say. But let's look further," commented Gura in pity.

"Each of you will survive, but the reunion awaiting you all will be tragic. The blood of siblings will pour like rivers when some of your siblings meet each other."

New visions slowly appeared. Luz saw a human, glowing slightly golden, fighting against a mutated man in bone armor that controlled flesh, blood, and bone. The face of the man in gold resembled that of Raph, and Luz saw him ramming a burning sword through the latter's chest while bone spears pierced through him simultaneously.

Seconds passed before a new vision appeared. A teenage Az was leading an army of skeletons against the golden man, and the fight ended with a scorched battlefield littered with skeletons. There Az sat on a throne built of skeletons with an eye and an arm missing. As for Raph, he bled on the ground with hundreds of swords bored into his chest.

Horrified by those visions, Luz asked himself in tremble: "How come that my siblings want to kill each other? What made them do it!? Shouldn't they be happy? WHY ARE THEY FIGHTING EACH OTHER!?"

"How unfortunate, but the fate awaiting you isn't better and far worse," Gura stated.

Luz saw an image of himself kneeling in front of a throne while the area around him burned in black flames.

"But that isn't all. It gets far… OH MY GOD? HOW CAN IT SENSE ME!? FUUUU-" before Gura could finish her sentence, a bone-chilling scream echoed through the room, and Luz heard the sound of an explosion as his future self stared right into his eyes while crushing the vision.

Flesh and blood splattered everywhere, and Master Brian immediately stood up, cursing loudly. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS HAPPENING HERE?"

Frightened, Luz jumped onto his legs as pieces of flesh and blood fell from his body.

In front of him sat Gura crosslegged with a missing head as green blood shot out of her missing head like a water fountain.

Master Brian cursed at the sight of it all before grabbing Luz's hand and her water pipe. "I can forget about any chances of a date, you stupid brat that only brings misfortune. But you know what, Luz!? Fuck it. Her smoking pipe is at least mine now. Also, we are leaving this godforsaken place. I need a good rest before I take care of this headache."

Luz was way too shocked by the revelations and got dragged out of the room by Master Brian as pieces of flesh continued falling down from his body. 'It seems like every female I meet nowadays ends up dying.'

Author note: If we can get more than 75 PS in a week I will release a bonus chapter. I know that this is quite a low-goal post but we gotta start somewhere, right?