A week passed, and Luz awoke on this long-anticipated day with a smile going from ear to ear. The time he had spent with Liv over the past week was hell to the young man, as she taught him, in his opinion, useless stuff about the world from morning to night.

These subjects ranged from basic etiquette between different social groups/classes to more interesting things such as history and the races living in the various geographical lands. But even then, one would quickly lose interest the moment when such knowledge gets hammered into one's brain 24/7 for a goddamn week.

Nevertheless, today Luz will finally escape from the grips of his newfound and obsessive sister.

「Simon's mage tower, Luz's guest room」

There, Luz sat alone while packing everything necessary for his departure.

"Three sets of servant uniforms and casual attire packed? Check."

"Leather armor packed? Check."

"Wallet? Check."

"Sis really spoiled me with all the clothes and money she gifted me, hehe," Luz remarked as he neatly packed everything into his backpack.

"Short sword and shield? Check. Thanks, Simon, I really appreciate that," Luz commented to himself while he casually swung the short sword through the air.

"Introduction to basic economics for Beginners. Check."


"Introduction to basic economics for Beginners!?"

"What am I? A filthy capitalist or what!? No, I'm a glorious further mage. I don't need such fantasy bullshit," Luz cursed as he was ready to throw it aside. Recalling that his sister Liv had given him this book made him hesitate.

"Fine. I will take it with me," Luz sighed before throwing it into his backpack. "With that, I should be ready to leave since I packed everything important into my backpack."

Nevertheless, he had forgotten something, and before Luz could close his room door, something began to loudly chirp, reminding him that he indeed had forgotten something.

"As if I would forget you!" Luz teased before shifting his focus towards the bird in the cage, which he won from the stall owner. However, the latter gave him a discontent glance as if he saw through Luz's lies.

"Thankfully, Master Simon and Jodoc both took care of you while I was absent," commented Luz in relief while placing his finger into the cage to pet Giffin, his pet bird.

Unfortunally his bird wasn't so keen on getting petted and immediately pecked his finger.

"That hurts," Luz whimpered while immediately pulling his finger out.

As for the bird, Luz named it, "Griffin" upon finding out that Griffins were powerful flying creatures, even though the bird was as big as his fist at best, nor had it any resemblance to an eagle.

Unlike the day Luz got him, Griffin's plumage as of now has won back its former glory. Its back was a bright metallic blue, filled with dense turquoise dots. On the other hand, its breast feathers were a mixture between coppery-brown and white. As for his beak, it was long and black, perfect for hunting smaller fishes.

If I, as the author, had to name one species that the bird resembles the closest, it would be the common kingfisher.

"I know that you are just as excited as I, but please, you can leave the cage if you remain quiet while we go downstairs," Luz pleaded before pressing his finger gently against his lip.

The bird nodded, and Luz sighed in relief before walking downstairs. But as Luz took his first step outside, a familiar person opened the tower window from the second floor.

"Luz!? Where are you going? Don't you want to spend more time with me? You know we haven't finished the subject yet.~" yawned Liv loudly as she looked down while rubbing her eyes.

'Shit, she shouldn't even be awake,' Luz cursed in his mind while Giffin began chirping in excitement upon seeing Liv.

'WHY ARE YOU BETRAYING ME NOW, BIRDIE!?' A chuckle left Luz's mouth before he exclaimed in glee, "ME? I'M GOING AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM YOU!"

He was in full anticipation of his future servant life. 'Maybe working to the bones 24/7 doesn't sound too bad if I don't have to be near that monster elf girl again,' Luz thought as he turned his back to Liv before marching towards the mansion with a grin going from ear to ear.

Shocked by Luz's words, Liv climbed halfway out of the window, shouting, "DAMN YOU, LUZ!!!!! JUST WAIT. THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM ME!!"

But before she could jump, a loud thundering voice echoed through the tower. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT I'M THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO SHOUT IN MY GODDAMN TOWER!"

"I'm sorry, uncle!" whimpered Liv sincerely as Luz escaped towards the horizon. Liv could only stare at Luz with gnashing teeth. "For now… you've won, Luz."

And so Luz walked for a few minutes while his pet bird chirped in excitement. "Calm down. Your freedom is not running away," muttered Luz as he stopped in the shade of an apple tree before opening the cage.

Excited, the bird immediately jumped out of the cage, and the first thing he did was stretch his cute little blue wings before flying towards the nearest branch. Over the past week, Luz won over the trust of his bird.

"For what are you waiting? You are free to go. After all, I only wanted to get you so that I could set you free, as I didn't like seeing such a bird rotting in a cage," Luz commented upon seeing the latter's hesitation.

Griffin understood his word partially, and after a few seconds, it immediately flew into the distance, leaving Luz alone with its dirty cage. "So where can I dispose a cage," Luz pondered while watching his bird fly into the distance.

But before he could remain further in thought, he heard a familiar voice stating, "I didn't know that you were setting birds free in your free time."

Frightened by the sudden appearance, Luz stammered, "How have you found me already, Sir Alfred?" (Alfred was the butler that appeared in the first few chapters.)

Alfred, a man in his early fifties, stood there behind him elegantly while wearing a black suit combined with a white tie. As for his hair, it was spotless and devoid of any other color except white.

Generally, people would dismiss a geezer such as Alfred as harmless if it wasn't for the scar running vertically across his lips combined with his aquamarine eyes that made him look sterner than he actually was.

Gently the latter replied, "Long time no see. Your roommates have been worrying about you since you left your room."

"What?" Embarrassed, Luz scratched the back of his head before asking, "But why? They don't even know me."

Alfred nodded in agreement. "The kids may not know you well, but many of us would be worried about a new member being involved in a magic experiment after his first day. What I want to tell you is not to repeat such stupidity. So much could have gone wrong," Alfred sighed before glancing at Luz.

"Are you even aware that Master Simon couldn't even try this experiment successfully on an animal, let alone a human being? Do you even realize

that not even Master Brian is sure about the long-term consequences you will be facing in the future due to your recklessness?" Alfred continued scolding Luz while the two walked toward the mansion.

"I am aware of my stupidity and recklessness, but I had no choice," Luz replied in his defense.

"Enough talk. Please refrain from such stupidities in the future." Alfred responded before bringing Luz to one of the servants with whom he was familiar. The person in question was non-other than Lewis.

"Long time no see," shouted a familiar voice, standing ten meters behind him.

With eyes wide open, Luz immediately turned towards Lewis before running towards him while shouting, "Leeeewwwiiiiiissss. Finally, a normal person."

"Wow, wow, wow, calm down," shouted Lewis as he saw a man older than him, jumping with raised arms towards him. Through his mind shot, only one thought, "LUZ, YOU ARE WAY TOO FAST TO CATCH SAFELY."