33. I should stop overestimating my MC title bonus

Half an hour later, Luz got dropped at the field. As for Liv, she left after giving him a hug while carrying a stack of books that reached 1.5 meters.

Having no clue whatsoever where he ended up, Luz looked around in hopes of finding anyone with whom he was familiar. Unfortunally, or rather as one might expect, Luz only saw unfamiliar people busy picking up fruits. After contemplating, Luz finally gave in and slowly approached one of them.

A man who looked like he was in his fifties immediately recognized the symbol on Luz's chest and remarked with a rough voice while holding fruits: "Are you perhaps, Luz?"

Luz nodded before scratching his head. "Yes, that's my name. Do you perhaps know what I'm supposed to do here, elder?"

The man chuckled upon hearing his question. "Lewis already told us about a clueless man that will approach us. But fear not, young man. Lewis is waiting for you at the forest border."

After receiving directions, Luz thanked him and continued on with his march.

But as he was about to continue, the man shouted, "Wait! I've got some fruits for you and Lewis."

Luz immediately halted and accepted the gifts, thanking him again for the gift. The two fruits he got were as big as his fist while also being marine blue. 'They look like the apples I ate at my village. The only difference is the color and its rougher skin.'

Author note: Apples are canon now since I'm too lazy to think about regular fruits that aren't special. Well, this fruit is a bit special but not that special.

Nonetheless, he quickly lost interest in them and soon found Lewis. The latter was observing the field while leaning a crossbow against his shoulder. Upon seeing Luz, he waved toward him.

Shortly after Luz reached him, Lewis asked the former with a yawn, "Do you have any experience using a crossbow?"

Luz merely shook his head. "Bro, I only know how to use a bow. Also, shouldn't you first tell me what the fuck we are supposed to do?"

Lewis chuckled at his answer before explaining what they were supposed to do here while pointing onto the field. "To keep it short, you see these workers there? We gotta protect them from wild animals."

"Wait, wild animals? Why should they be leaving the forest? I thought these creatures were rather shy," Luz asked, perplexed since there shouldn't be a reason for such animals to leave the forest.

Lewis slowly grabbed one of the apples Luz held before stating, "If it weren't for these fruits, you would be correct. But these fruits contain mana, and wild animals love the smell it emits."

'Wait a second… I didn't see anything related to mana in the city market during my visit,' thought Luz before immediately asking another question, "Aren't they hella expensive, and shouldn't mages be picking them?"

Lewis shook his head before continuing to explain. "Nah, these ones are low-quality mana fruits. They are, at best, delicates for mages. But for beginner mages, they are a steal as they can replenish around one-fourth of their mana pool. Also, only small creatures such as rabbits are interested in them. If we're unlucky, we'll also have to deal with a pack of wolves in the worst-case scenario."

"I see," commented Luz before taking out his hunting knife with which he once killed a wild jaguar, "that thing should come in handy, right?"

Upon seeing Luz's blunt hunting knife, Lewis sighed before taking out another crossbow. "Put that trash away. We will be using these boys, and I'll teach you how to use them."

Luz was thrilled to see a crossbow. He once saw some of the hunters of his village use such weapons, but they never let Luz nor the rest of his age touch them.

"Fortunately for you, you and I are on the same shift for the entire week. Starting with next week, you'll be solely responsible for the field for a couple of weeks. If you do this job well, there's a chance you'll be assigned somewhere else," Lewis told him casually while glancing over the field. His eyes immediately narrowed upon noticing a rabbit 50 meters away from him on the field before coldly raising his crossbow to shoot.

The arrow immediately bore through the skull, killing the rabbit instantly.

"One shot, one kill," commented Lewis proudly while reloading his crossbow.

At the sight of the dead rabbit, Luz was shocked and amazed by his partner's aim. 'That boy definitely used aimbot. Also, how the hell has he spotted it from so far!?'

"Anyway, it's time to teach you how to use a crossbow," Lewis commented before explaining to Luz the technical details of the weapon and how to use it.

After about 10 minutes of explaining, Luz began shooting at a tree to get more familiar with using it. But unfortunately, his aim left a lot to be desired. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from practicing, and he shot from time to time while observing the field for any creature.

Meanwhile, the evening sun gradually set over the horizon, and Luz still hasn't hit any creature yet.

Sighing, he lamented about his failures before spotting another rabbit. Excited, he slowly lifted his arm, telling Lewis that he wanted to give it another try.

On the other hand, Lewis commented in encouragement upon spotting it, "Yo, Luz. Make your crossbow master Lewis proud and hunt a rabbit for him."

After taking a deep breath, Luz's eyes immediately narrowed as he aimed at it without trembling. Sweat dripped from his brow as he pressed the lever of his crossbow.

And he missed the rabbit by around half a meter, sending the rabbit into panic as he rushed from the field.

With a smile, Lewis shot at the escaping rabbit. The arrow hit through the chest, embedding it against the ground as it tried to resist.

"One shot, one kill, hehehe," commented Lewis, priding himself.

Upon seeing Luz being down, Lewis commented in encouragement, "Luz. On my first day, my aim was not better than yours. Everybody gotta start somewhere, and you will probably reach my level sooner or later."

Nodding, Luz sighed, "Yeah, you are right. I should stop overestimating my MC title bonus since it makes no sense for a beginner to hit a rabbit 50 meters away from him on his first day. I'm not an OP MC."

Lewis smiled in agreement before commenting: "Yeah, you are right. But let's stop. If we book characters become too self-conscious, the author might mind wipe us again. Anyway, let's take these rabbits. Our shift should be ending soon."