11.2 Developer Options?

I could only blink as I watched Guidance rub her cheeks all over the shocked princess. To my surprise, Shizu actually made her way to the bed and let the dev wrap her arms around her, the former's brain clearly defaulting in real-time as the latter began copping a feel on what was ostensibly her metaphorical daughter.

"Oh how I dreamed of this moment..." Guidance lecherously whispered. "Shizu... Oh my baby Shizu..."

"M-My lady! P-Please..."

Quite frankly, watching two women getting handsy with one another should be a sight to behold for any man. However, my conscience wasn't as depraved as any other isekai protagonist would've been. Seeing Shizu so uncomfortable that she was blue-screening was just pitiful, and seeing Guidance act more lecherous than any other guy I was friends with was kind of a massive turn-off.