11.4 Developer Options?

After everything was said and done, and by that I mean Shizu being done puking her guts out, we found ourselves back in the same room as before assuming the same positions as last time. Nothing had really changed, except for probably Guidance having the gaudiest clothes out of all of us, even somehow out-dressing a literal Imperial Princess in her own capital city.


I raised an eyebrow at Guidance's questioning tone. I just couldn't help but stare at the dev still sitting on the bed. Her clothes just gave her an air of professionalism that I rarely associated with her voice. With her newly-dubbed [Keystroke] strapped on to the right side of her belt like a massive keychain, I honestly didn't know what to think of her at the moment.

"You look amazing," I bluntly complemented.

"T-thank you..."

She blushed, surprisingly. I guess her shy personality was still in there despite everything that she might try to hide it.