21.4 First Dungeon?

Having nothing better to do, the three of us that weren't Guidance all stood in a line with the dev pacing in front of us like a drill sergeant. It would've been more intimidating if she was taller than me, but for now, the pure annoyance that was rolling off her was more than enough to keep me in line.

Then again, she was kind of justified in her anger.

"First off, just because I told you to act as our tank doesn't mean you can just walk in and not expect to die," Guidance ranted on Maruki, her disdain coming off in spades as she frowned. "You held aggro, at least. So the only thing I can tell you is to at least contribute to the damage."

"Of course, Lady Guidance!"

"And stop shouting all the time," the dev sighed, her ears probably ringing from all the action. "We can hear you loud and clear."

I almost let out a chuckle that I wholly didn't deserve to let out. I've been in these types of situations before, and being a smug idiot was bound to land me in a heap of trouble.