22.1 First Wipe?

Death was such a taboo concept sometimes. I didn't mind it, of course. Hell, it was even pretty common in my old field of work. We had jokes of people 'expiring,' or we'd have other colleagues that had the 'last touch' on a dying patient, so to speak. They were all superstitions coming from a job that dealt with human lives on a daily basis. I've had a fair share of seeing people die too, drawing blood from a guy in the ER only for them to die before their lab results even came out. Now those were the hilarious stuff. You'd see their lab results were astronomically off the charts, which you'd then have to relay to the doctors via phone, only to then learn that the patient was already dead, rendering your hurry to complete a STAT order completely obsolete...

But I digress. I guess that's what I got for being bored out of my mind somehow.