22.4 First Wipe?


With crossed arms, I waited for Shizu to activate her ability. Watching her take a deep breath, the princess went through her usual motions before she opened her special eyes.

"[Code Watcher]..."

"What're you up to, Moriya?"

Hearing Guidance suddenly chime in, I gave her a passing glance before I shrugged. "There's something I want to confirm before we go in."

"With Shizu's sight?" she raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "One would think that you'd confirm it with me before we both default to Shizu."

"Well, this is something different, okay?" I let out a hollow chuckle. "Contrary to popular belief, I'm not one to shoulder my burdens alone if I know I can't handle it."

Turning my gaze back to Shizu, the princess was looking out into the distance with a pensive look on her face. I just knew that she was seeing something weird happening right now, and I could only hope that-

"W-what am I looking at?"
