24.0 Reset?



As a princess, Shizu never really expected herself to be completely in the midst of battle. She trained for it, sure, but never in her wildest of dreams did she think that she'd be sailing through the warm waters of the Shallow Deep. It was so exciting. Even now, she was struggling to keep her cool as their Rig began to grumble and groan at the prospect of being used.

Well, maybe it was just her imagination, but the thought was still there... And for some reason, she had this weird foreboding feeling that she was forgetting something.

"What is it?"

Shizu blinked at Guidance's words. Her chest bloomed with both fear and anxiety for... something... For some reason, she felt like an unavoidable catastrophe just happened, but she didn't know what...


"I-It's nothing," Shizu shook her head, wiping away the sweat off her brow as she composed herself. "I guess I was just nervous..."

"Of what? Of vomiting?" Guidance chuckled. "You already did that earlier."

She did?