29.4 Utility?

Looking up towards what looked to be the door into the [Rig]'s bridge, the familiar goggles-wearing Vestygian was indeed calling out to me like he had just seen a gift under the Christmas tree. Of course, his steam rifle was still hanging onto his hip, his weapon already hissing as he jumped over the railing and landing right in front of me.

Talk about a superhero landing. His knees should be wrecked right now.

"Moriya! We meet again!"



Well, this was awkward. I didn't even remember this guy's name. "Uhm... Who are you again?"

"Moriya, that's Fleuger," Guidance whispered out to me. "He has a [Manifest] that lets him see projectile trajectories."

Oh... right...

"W-What?! H-How dare you to forget Garnet Fleuger?!" the newly-renamed Vestygian Somatic cried aloud, his rifle hung by the hip as he upped his theatrics. "Did our trajectories not cross paths, Moriya?!"