29.8 Utility?



Red relied heavily on his [Manifest] to keep his calm as he eyed the beautiful woman in front of her. He already knew at first glance that she was no ordinary Somatic, but the revelation of her identity had revealed just how special she was to the very fabric of the political status quo of the Deep.

A princess... The Imperial Princess, no less... He had no idea as to why someone as important as the sole heiress to the Empire was sailing in a [Rig] far from the safety of the Kattleynan capital, but the fact that she was here right in front of him meant that Vestyge had the golden opportunity of capturing the one person in the Empire that could force the massive nation to the negotiating table.

Truly, his luck had been throwing him into one interesting situation. However...

"How could I know that what you're saying is the truth?" he coolly asked. "Perhaps you're a mere impostor posing as the Imperial Princess?"