30.2 Backtracking?

The bridge had an air of curiosity wafting around it as Guidance and I entered. The entire room had shifted back to the way it once was, the kiosks returning back to the sides as all of us filtered around the main console in the center. Shizu and Shen were on one side of the room, while Shade was busy fiddling with some other thing in the room. Maruki was still on the enemy [Rig], acting as the guard for our captives.

Huh... This really feels weird. The lack of tension after being in a stressful environment for so long kind of made me feel like something was missing here... Hell, even Shizu didn't look like she almost bled to death.

"Moriya. Lady Guidance," Shade greeted us with a nod. "Glad that you two graced us with your presence."

"Gee, thanks," I chuckled. "Still, this feels rather off, yeah?"

"Off how?"

"It feels like we have nothing else to do," I shrugged. "After everything we've been through, it just feels... I dunno... empty?"