Guidance's Lore Notes: Romance Options

Staring at her screen, Guidance fought her own morals as she deliberated on a very specific thing that she wanted to add in her game. It wasn't that she didn't want it, of course. As much as she wanted to deny it, she was just as hot-blooded as some of the few men that she actually knew.

What could she say? Having her mind be occupied with ideas of beautiful men and women did a number on her sex drive.

"Am I really going to do this..."

The game's rating would take a massive hit, and any sort of publicity she might get would probably be stained by a decision so inane that it might just tank her game if it ever came out. Still, she just couldn't find it in herself to care.

It was her game, dammit. And if she wanted romance options, then she'll make sure that she went all the way.

"Full on nudity, baby..." she lecherously muttered under her breath, her pen tablet flying as she began to make her designs.

Guidance's mind flew towards her own characters, a mad blush coloring her cheeks as she began drooling in front of her monitors. Truly, she would design the most appealing characters, all to her taste while making sure that it at least had some benefit for the player. Maybe completing a route would give out experience. Or perhaps give out some weapon or advantage exclusive to each romance options.

"H-Heh... How many though..."

The dev wondered to herself as she looked at all the recruitable party members. Maybe five? Six? Maybe a harem option should be available?

With a wide grin on her face, Guidance decided that she'll just do them all anyway. Maybe she could just put in some kind of bad ending for the player if they fail to juggle all of their conquests. She'll just base it on some of the visual novels she had played. Copy and paste the mechanics wholesale.

"It's not stealing," she justified to herself. "It's for the good of the game..."

As she says this, her mind was already filling up with pages upon pages of scenes she could write. It would set her back, but it'd be worth it. She would make sure of it.


AN: All chapters with an 'R' on it (ie: 31.3R) will indicate smut. There might be some plot or character development in them, but if you don't like it, then kindly skim them for any of the good story stuff.