34.X Interlude: Melded

Deep within the bowels of the Withermoon Manor, [Taenia] writhed and undulated as it saw the world through the eyes of the young Somatic in front of it. Its tentacles permeated the woman from head to toe, its very being keeping in touch with this human princess's psyche and mental processes. Even now, it knew that the human's companions were making their way to it despite its best attempts to dissuade them, its powers of [Compulsion] not being enough to somehow overpower the other... anomaly...

Through the eyes of the princess, the Eldritch saw what it should not, numbers, letters, and patterns that it had no business seeing being made clear to it and its numerous processes. The human's memories told of fantastical tales, ones that one as old and learned as it knew had no basis on the realities of the world it lived in.