37.3 Story Hooks?



Deep within the slums of Vestyge's capital city of Vulcan, a young lad ran through the pipe-filled streets with reckless abandon. On her hands was a piece of a broken pipe fashioned as a weapon, a red valve adorning the other end like a club as he dashed through the treacherous path like a nimble rat.

"After that cretin!"

"That brat stole from me!"

The boy grinned as he dragged his spoils of war with him. Having stolen bread from a few stands that were too stupid to look at him stealing in the middle of the noon, he held no love for their methods, especially if they were just going to call the Watch on him anyway even if he tried buying from them legit.

"Hah! You're all too slow!"

With a taunt, he leaped over another errant pipe, using his size to his advantage as he rounded into a narrow corridor.

"Where did that bugger go to?!"

"He shouldn't have gone far!"

"Heh, idiots..."