39.5 Market Economics?



"Woah! Can we get that?"

"Ooh, we didn't have that back home... We should get that too!"

For the longest time, Shen had thought that she was the least responsible out of the whole group. Despite her bravado, the past few days had put her in situations that had practically destroyed any and all bravado she had on her own capabilities. Sure, she was still wholly confident that she could fix anything so long as she could touch it, but certain situations had put to light just how weak she was in the grand scheme of things. She was practically useless beyond trying to fix people, and while she now had a few options in terms of defending herself, she knew that she was still far and beyond falling behind when compared to the older woman's healing capabilities.

"That looks delicious! Can we have two?"

"We have enough, Shen. Don't worry!"