49.2 Alliance Raid?


Blood bullets flew out of my pistols as I unloaded havoc onto our enemies, my attacks whizzing past Shizu as the princess ducked and weaved under every and all swings that the Marqueans could throw at her.

[+6000 EXP]

[+6000 EXP]

[+6000 EXP]

[+6000 EXP]

[+6000 EXP]

[+6000 EXP]

Numbers kept popping up on my HUD, my vision starting to get cluttered with the amount of stuff that was being thrown right in my general direction. Our enemies were all doing their hardest to stop us, but it all seemed futile against our combined onslaught.

"W-What the-"

"Arrest them!"

"Report to the Head Intellect!"