49.5 Alliance Raid?



"This isn't good..."

Shade panted as he drew his [Rozen] back to him, his power glowing faintly as his rose turned whip dripped with the blood of their enemies. With his suit tattered and his face smeared with blood from both himself and his enemies, the situation brewing around them was clearly going from bad to worse. Sure, he was doing rather decently than what he honestly expected from himself, but that wasn't going to change a thing if their enemies just kept on coming.


"K... [Keep Working]..."

Like clockwork, Shen whacked him from behind, her wrench painfully hitting his back despite it being her usual healing [Move]. Their mechanic's power washed over him once more, allowing him to push his body just a little bit further.

"Thanks, Shen," he breathed out, his tone taking on a weary tone as he brandished his weapon at the ready.