49.8 Alliance Raid?



Guidance didn't even manage to scream out to Moriya as she watched him fall to the ground in an unceremonious thud. His [Manifest] clattering to the ground, it was clear that he was in the middle of a [Move] just as Lewis did his own attack.

Unfortunately, whatever it was that Moriya had planned, it didn't go through in time.

"What a shame..." the man sighed, his eyes staring passively at Moriya's unmoving body. "If only he would've listened."

The dev felt her knees shake as her fingers trembled above her keyboard. The sight of his body falling to the ground like his strings had been cut somehow didn't sit well with her. Sure, they had all died together at least once or twice during instances such as these, but she had never really survived past Moriya's own usual death.

And somehow, it both irked and horrified her to no end.