50.6 Easy Mode?

"That, I know," I chuckled. "I'll try using [Blood Screen] next time."

"And by next time, you mean this pull, right?"

"Of course, I do," I scoffed. "What? You think I wouldn't try this now after wiping to this guy dozens of times?"

Guidance let out an actual laugh as she smiled at me. "I was just making sure, Moriya. No need to get angry."

"You haven't even seen me really angry yet," I chuckled. "Trust me. I can be a hell of a lot worse when I'm truly angry."

Well, technically, I've already shown how bad I could be whenever I got angry. It just so happened that while I was quick to anger, I was also quick to simmer down and regret whatever it was that I might've done in the heat of the moment. It was just the way I was wired, and I really hope that nobody would see me in a prolonged state of anger and rage.

I could get pretty creative whenever I was feeling vindictive. Petty pranks were the least that anybody should expect from me if I ever got angry at them.