56.6R Map Awareness?

I grunted and moaned as I felt Guidance's hot insides wrap around my now supersized dick. Sure, she had always been tight and amazing as both a lover and as a woman, but holy sh1t was this experience at a whole other level than what we've usually done. And that was saying something, seeing as I was still seated right in front of the main console instead of having a decent mattress underneath me.

"G-Guidance..." I addressed my lover, my hands running through her exquisite curves as I lovingly kissed her once more. "You're so good..."

"Y-You as well..." she breathed out, her cheeks flushed red as she gyrated her hips on top of mine. "I've missed this... I've missed this so much..."

Her words only spurred me further as I began meeting her movements. Her inner walls gripped and held onto me like a vise, and her beautiful body only further hardened both my cock and my resolve to try and make her feel as good as possible.