I'll probably be persecuted under an awkward situation but I don't hate how my tale reaches its endpoint.
Or otherwise, the prelude to its endpoint─comprising a differentiated third act. Nothing of it sounds anything like genre fiction, as I was bitching about the whole course of events. Other people, Human and Mages alike, would think of their lives playing under realism, but I've woken up from the illusion and could proudly say it's under the "literary fiction" after the events which transpired.
Maybe, it's only an excuse.
I'm not completely out of the zone where I'm only trying to make sense. I could be forceful in that regard, and won't let anyone─other than my own─succeed from corrupting my perception. So, should it be something that I should do─maybe, for the sake of it?
Alright, let us bring the case in.
I would define my life coursing through transgressive fiction where the nihilistic forces drive my mind out of the Magekind norm.