Allure of the night at the bottom a random bridge I can't pinpoint at the map, sitting by underneath and eyes only focused on the riverbed. What followed through was an odyssey written sometime in August. Yotsuba Yazawa kept herself occupied at the screen. I've already let loose of my brain cells knowing it was Yocchan's impulsiveness in motion.
I had nothing to protect the manuscript after she broke into the matrix─she hacked into cyberspace.
"Matrix or anything, it's nothing special. If you know your way around computers, you can do it with a smartphone. I'm referencing you, perhaps."
"Really, virtually everything you do is mirrored out of my actions," I said in nonchalance, perfectly playing mother to her literary integration in the unpredictable world.
She's like the wind swaying my soul into nowhere, broken free from all responsibilities of real life.