"Alice's Adventures under the Sleepless Sun" shares the fickle randomness of the works I wrote so far. Alice, herein Sodachi Ayanami, finds herself transported in another world after being decimated under the sun. I'd spoil the fun for you. She's bitten by the vampire to the neck after a long, traditional stroll.
It's not nearly as amazing as I thought it'd be: Alice finds herself in a bizarre world governed by a child named Pontifex. He calls his world the Hexagon─exactly because it's shaped as one, and flat. Said world has been adapted as the new afterlife, intriguing enough to assume God and Satan fought over their budget that both heaven and hell went bankrupt.
All in all, creative but never manifested.
I stopped midpoint maybe because I thought I stooped low.
Otherwise, it must be because I would have dived into Lewis Carroll's narrative only to fail miserably.