Berserk Hobgoblin & Hell Mode

After having killed the hobgoblin, I chose to blitz through the rest of the dungeon with one restriction that I was forcing myself to not break. I was going to get through the entire dungeon without using anything other than the rock 'spells'/ attacks.

While at first, this was slightly hard since I was just getting used to using earth 'magic' as some would call it, another problem quickly arose when I had gotten the hang of it.

"Crap... I'm low on mana." I cursed before running to a corner of the cave and sitting down cross-legged.

While using life drain was a nice way of gaining back health and vitality, it did not give me back the mana I used after every spell, ability, or skill. An example of this is the situation that I have been put in, where even though I was filled with vitality, I still felt emptied of my mana.

[Hp: 150/150}

[Mana: 10/50]