

"Bring a towel" Kamala shouted as she held to Krishna's lifeless body. Her hands trembled, with fear as his eyes were still closed.

Priyanka dashed out of the room. She returned with a bowl of water and a towel. Beads of sweat covered her face. The sight of her brother made her sick too.

Kamala received the towel and dipped it into the bowl. She squeezed and placed it on his forehead "he is not opening his eyes. Priyanka, I'm scared."

"L-let me...I will go and call Pintu" She was confused. She started heading towards her room and turned to make way for the entrance door.

Priyanka lost her mind, after seeing Krishna faint. She was sleeping when Kamala suddenly woke up crying in the middle of the night. They discovered that he was not talking or moving. His eyes were shut but he was breathing.

Priyanka has never been this scared in her life before. She knocked on Pintu's door and waited for a reply.

The door opened and he came out, yawning. When he saw her face, he knew what was going on. Quickly, they went into the house to check on Krishna.

"Thank God, you came" Kamala's eyes housed unstoppable tears. "My poor boy" she stroked his hair and placed the towel on his forehead, again.

"Excuse me, aunt" Pintu said. "I will take from here." She stood up and gave way to the gentleman.

He raised Krishna's legs above the heart level, which was about twelve inches (thirty centimeters). He went ahead and loosen the cloth covering him beneath. His shirt was taken off too.

A few minutes later, Krishna's hands moved. Kamala was relieved. She prayed one more time before going close to him.

"Let him find air" Pintu told them "open the windows for a good ventilation."

Quickly, Priyanka opened them and watched her brother from a distance. He almost killed them today. Her heart squeezed when Kamala shouted that he was not opening his eyes. How will she deal with this unbearable pain if something happens to him?

She bent her head and prayed to God, to spare him. No matter what, they will find a solution sooner or later. She will try to raise money for treatment.

"Bring drinking water" Pintu Interrupted her thoughts. She nodded and headed for the kitchen. As she poured the water into the jug, Priyanka wondered why she did not collect Karan's business card. Her mother tried his line, this evening but it was not available. If only she had the card, they would have tried his other lines.

"He is wake" Kamala's voice kicked her out of her reverie. A smile appeared on her face, as she grabbed the tray and went to see for herself.

It was true that Krishna was awake. Although he looked weak, she was glad that the opposite did not happen.

"You scared me, my boy" his mother helped him, drinking from the cup.

"I won't leave like this, mother" He closed his eyes and opened them again "Your son is stronger than you thought."

Kamala lacks words. He was younger than them, yet he has hoped that everything will be alright.

Krishna knew of his sickness. He was not aware of the last test results that came out few days ago.

"I will spend the night with him. You should have some rest too" Pintu suggested. He saw that they were tired. This way, mother and daughter could also sleep. He wondered why doctor Karan did not stopp by to check as usual.

"No, I will stay with him" Kamala insists. She wants to stay by his side in his time of distress. "His sister should sleep."

"N-no, mother" Priyanka crossed her arms. "I will stay here. I can't sleep after everything that has happened." She did not want to leave her brother alone again...he was not going to be alone but she felt like staying up.

It was already 2:00 AM. There was no need to sleep. She will stay awake and think of how to raise a large sum of money for his treatment. Hot tears streamed her face when she saw, how Krishna was looking. Things used to be better when their father was alive. He made sure to provide for the family.

Priyanka only started working after his death. Before, she went to school and eat what he brings to the table. Life wasn't as difficult as it is now. Her mother spent time to take of Krishna because it was not advisable to leave him alone.

She has no choice but to become the breadwinner of the family. Kamala was old and dancing opportunities were no longer available to her.

"Should I prepare food for him?" She was bored of sitting in the corner of the room.

"I'm not hungry, sister" Krishna flashed a smile. Priyanka was surprised that he was smiling after everything that happened. He was a cheerful boy, regardless of the situation, he found himself in

"Are you sure?" Kamala narrowed her eyes. He nodded, laying his head on her shoulders. She could not stop herself from crying. He was a brave boy.

"If you say so" Priyanka sat with her back and leaned toward the wall. She wondered what has happened to Karan. Did the little fight get into him, in such a way that he switched off his line? He crossed his limits that day that's why she unlocked the fire mode for him.

She let him burn for a few seconds…