
"You know, when I look at the Cai family, all I see are weaklings that try to impress the Mourne family by bullying others. But do they ever truly gain strength? Or so they just remain weak picking on bugs?" Maria mocked the Cain family lackey.

Since the battle had gone in such a smooth move, Maria had easily sliced a thin cut on the boy's neck. This introduced Lit's poison that knocked him down to the ground easily. She didn't even have to make another move, the referee had already said she was the winner.

This was Maria's chance to send a powerful message. She had let Clark do the fighting for her. Clark had sent the messages not to mess with them. Now, Maria was using her strength that the Mourne family would end up fearing. For Maria, this single move was her declaration of power that separated her from those that had judged her for too long.