Roles And Goals

'Blue thorn bush- uncommon

The blue thorn bush is a plant and ice type beast. It likes to grow under the snow drifts to hide its main body. When it gets large enough it will sprout over the snow and look to capture prey within its vines. Its favorite food are snow warblers who will try and pluck the berries from its leaves.

The best way to avoid the blue thorn bush is to not touch its vines at all. It is able to send the warming touch of anything that does not keep itself at the same or lower temperature as it. That is why the winter geckos can climb on them and safely eat the blue thorn bush berries.

The berries the blue thorn bush produces are a great fruit that has the ability of helping someone resist the cold temperatures of ice and snow. This happens because it stimulates the body to produce more heat. To someone with a fever, this is poison but to someone with frostbite, it is a valuable medicine.

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