Flowing caves

The small clump of vibrant algae would have just been that to anyone else. But when Clark began to look at it, he could easily guess what was causing the odd shapes on the stalactite within the pool of water.

'Jade worm eggshell…

Jade worm egg shell…

Jade worm egg shell…'

Clark used the analysis and kept finding the same result. But the worst part was that he knew a creeping eel was slowly approaching. If there was a single egg that had not hatched, then he would lose it to a natural predator. If he attacked the creeping eel, then he would be sending a signal to every single predator around that there was food here. Therefore, it would end the eggs that were still unhatched.

"Come on, there has to be one left." Clark mumbled as he looked at the clump of algae and slowly reached a hand in. with very soft motions, Clark brushed away the vibrant green algae moving some of the egg shells away.