Misty Jungle

"Were those really beasts from the deep wilderness? Are we sure that we aren't taking the wrong path?" Jerold had a proper question. The way that they had all dealt with the jungle rabbits appeared way too easy.

" just because the weaker beasts are not dangerous does not mean they won't kill you. The dangers of the jungle rabbit are in their body, not fighting ability. You can easily defeat them, but only foolish beasts will eat them and kill themselves. That's the danger. It's literally eating poison." Maria was the wiser of the group when it came to this.

They had all felt that this was a simple and easy event, but the level of danger is much higher than any of them realized. "Maria is right. We do not have an alchemist and poison resistance that can handle such a thing in the wilderness. Maria has a lot to learn to get to that level. Therefore, if you ate that, you would be dead. No question about it."