Cool Ice Breeze

"This thing is  a mess." Ralph had been the first to find the source of the vicious fly trap heads. The smaller ball of roots that had been latched on to  larger vines were covered in sticky sap to protect it. Furthermore, there was a smell of rotten meat around it too because the vicious fly trap had been leaving its nutrients here to fuel the main beast it was serving. 

"That's just the way it is. I bet that we will find more things like that." Clark was sure that this would be the case as he stored away the additional heads of the vicious fly traps. He knew that the group would be able to use the teeth later. 

"Ha! Look at that!" Reese jumped out from behind a rotting tree. Its wood looked like it could barely hold up one leaf, let alone many. But Reese on the other hand, looked like he had just found a great victory.