Yu Xiaoguang has a lover?

After the incident, Mei Deng resolved in his heart to keep a good distance between himself and the general. Which was why, when he stepped into his bedroom chamber, the young doctor stood three feet away from the other man.

'There's no telling what brother traffic would do to me if I mess up again.' Mei Deng said to himself, still hung up on last night's events.

"Brother traffic..."

"Yu Xiaoguang..."

Both men paused and looked at each other, it seemed that they had something they wished to say.

"You should go first." Yu Xiaoguang nervously smiled, sitting casually on his dresser, flinging his ridiculously long hair around.

Wang Tengfei narrowed his eyes at the young doctor, already frowning so early in the morning. "It's your house, speak first."

'Aish. If brother keeps that up he'll get wrinkles and mess up his pretty face.'

"I actually have something to ask you first." He stated, now attempting to braid his hair.

Wang Tengfei gave him a nod to continue.