How Nice It Is To Be Young Again

Both men went into the large dark hole, which had steps that guided them into a sort of tunnel. They both quietly walked through the tunnel till they reached the light at the end, signifying they were at their destination.

Wang Tengfei stood in front of Mei Deng, leading the way forward till they were finally out of the tunnel and arrived at an abandoned looking house.

Outside, sat an old wooden bathtub, which Mei Deng could guess was just recently brought out. Although the place seemed empty on first glance, one could easily guess on second inspection that someone was inhabiting the place.

Traces of life such as a groomed garden, clothes hung outside to dry and the seals hung all over the place to ward off evil spirits.

As though on cue, both women emerged from inside the house, Dou Wei holding a tray of tea, with Lihua standing beside her.

"Sister Lihua says to come in for tea." Dou Wei spat in a tone that suggests they were uninvited.