Decades Of Bad Blood

A carriage with the Wang family name boldly inscribed on the side was parked outside of a lavish Terrace house, with a large pond in the middle of the place. A wide bridge made of stones was built over the pond brimming with a school of young koi fishes. Two large trees with long branches draped over the water, with it's bright pink leaves landing gracefully on it's surface.

Due to how firmly built the bridge was, guests were often entertained and drank tea on it, over the beautiful pond.

"Tea my Lord?"

Wang Tengfei diverted his gaze from the golden ingot in his hand and landed his sights on a voluptuous young maiden, pulling her lips back into a suggestive smile.

The general frowned, "where is your master?"

His rash tone irritated the maid who was simply doing as instructed, in a humble bow she lowered her head, "he's almost here my lord, why don't I wait on you, lest you get bored."