Two Rotten Apples

The students stood in pairs of three in the middle of the large field at the college, all but Yu Xiaoguang and Chan Zian who stuck out like sore thumbs. The scholars who had nothing to do with their horse back riding lessons stood with yellow umbrellas over their heads, fanning themselves.

"Chan Zian, why is everyone in groups of three?" The Minister's son whispered into his companion's ear.

"That's because on the exhibition day, all horse riding displays are done in pairs." Chan Zian's answer was quite loud and earned the attention of the scholar of Calligraphy who really did not like the youngster.

He pinched the scholar of arithmetic and gushed, "look at those two rotten apples, if not that Chan Zian can ride a horse, what else could he do? He might as well enlist in the army."

The scholar of arithmetic scoffed, "do you think general Wang will accept just about anybody? Don't make me laugh."