First Run Me A Bath

It was fortunate that the young doctor was keen and could easily spot the landmarks tracing back to the wooden shed. And fortunately, it was still quite early when he had arrived.

Mei Deng straightened his clothes and sniffed himself, checking for any lingering scent that could implicate him. In short, he looked like an unfaithful spouse, who had lost track of time and returned home the next morning.

He walked through where the gates should be, rerunning the lines he would tell the general when asked about where he spent the night. Mei Deng was quite confident in himself, until his gaze landed first on Wang Tengfei, sitting in front of the door, with one leg flung over the other.

Mei Deng froze up.

Wang Tengfei noticed his presence almost immediately, he raised his head and placed his foot down, an all knowing look plastered on his face.