I Won't Come Back To Him


Old master Chan had fallen seriously Ill and couldn't move a muscle, his fever grew worse and he started to cough up more blood.

With not much of a choice, Chan Zian came to the college to find Yu Xiaoguang and ask for him to come pay his grandfather a visit. However, little did he expect Ming Baozhai to stick to him the entire day, following him around like a lost puppy.

To worsen matters, Yu Xiaoguang did not show up at the college, defeating Chan Zian's initial purpose. He planned to go look for him at the Yu family residence, but didn't expect Ming Baozhai to follow him too.

"Ming Baozhai, are you going to follow me through the gates of hell?" He snapped, halting in his steps, sending an angry glare at the supposed top scorer.

Ming Baozhai froze, "you could see me?" He asked, lifting the straw hat he wore to conceal his identity.

"Did I suddenly become blind overnight?" The youngster spat out, unimpressed that such a foolish person ranked above him in exams.