The General Was Not Playing Around

On a regular day, Mei Deng would have just pushed the general away and heartily laughed off such a joke. But currently, he could feel the warmth of his dragon through the woolen material and knew instantly that the general was not playing around.

"Don't... don't joke around." Yu Xiaoguang pulled his lips back into a nervous laughter, but the unmoved expression on Wang Tengfei's face, made it clear that he wouldn't entertain anything jovial from him tonight.

But still, Mei Deng knew that these war heroes and soldiers had harems and concubines who warmed their beds at night to quench their sexual drive. So how was it possible, that Wang Tengfei could have so much pent up sexual frustrations?

It was then that the thought struck him, 'He has been with me all this while, because of my problems he hasn't gotten time to relieve himself.' he figured, his mind spiraling around so many theories.